This is a tour of all the rooms in Boot Clan (see map above) and what they're for. Note: all rooms have bank (see 'help bank'), fidobranch (see 'help fido'), nohunger and silentspell

[1] Boot Camp Headquarters

This is your new recall location. Whenever you use your clan portal or cast recall or word of recall, you arrive here. You can request both quests and campaigns from the Grumpy Old General here and buy Aard items from him. Going down from this room will put you at the old recall position in Aylor. Also, this room has max heal and mana.

[2] Mudpits

This is where you do your stat, spell and skill training with Gunney Sergeant (see 'help train' and 'help practice'). You can also buy instinct and mastery points here (see 'help instinct' and 'help mastery'). 

[3] Recreation Room

Here the old veteran sells various potions.

[4] Boot Clan Public Hall

You can buy level 1 and level 91 eq here from the commissary shopkeeper.

This is also the entrance to Boot Clan, directly south from the Academy entrance, and runto boot will lead here.

[5] Military Surplus Store

The clan's 171 level gear is here.

[6] The Recruiting Hallway

No current use for this room but may be the site of an eventual shop.

[7] Post Exchange (P.X)

You can buy level 121 and 200 eq sets here from the Shady Looking Officer.

[8] Courtyard

No current use for this room but may be the site of an eventual shop.

[9] A Supply Closet

This is our donation room, which has no door and is open to the public.

[10-12] Hall of Heroes

This room was added as a get away place if you wanted to idle more quietly.

[13] Voting Room

The voting booth here is leader driven, and it's for voting on big picture stuff, of which there's not a lot of because this clan already runs so smoothly.

[14] Long Forgotten Storage Room

This is a clan-only storage room, although technically it is also an interview room with a locked door.

Since ours is a non-PK clan, if the doors to these rooms are not locked then even a non-clan-member can get in and potentially steal our stuff. So it is very important that you always close and lock the door after you. Your duffle bag portal is your key.

[15] If the Boot Fits!

This is a clan-only donation room, although technically it is also an interview room with a locked door.

Since ours is a non-PK clan, if the doors to these rooms are not locked then even a non-clan-member can get in and potentially steal our stuff. So it is very important that you always close and lock the door after you. Your duffle bag portal is your key.

[16] Medical lounge

You can rest and get healed here. Make sure to type 'sleep bed' for a higher regen rate. The fountain in this room cures both hunger and thirst, just like the fountain in the Academy.

You can enter the morgue here by going down through a locked door. If the doors to these rooms are not locked then even a non-clan-member can get in and potentially steal our stuff -- after a while a corpse decomposes and any items that were left inisde it will now be in the room, lootable by anyone. It is very important that you always close and lock the door after you. Your duffle bag portal is your key. 

[17] Infirmary

This is our morgue.  You and your corpse will appear here after your death.  This is a perk of membership to our clan and means there's no need for you to do a corpse retrieval.

Make sure you loot everything from your corpse by typing 'get all corpse' and wait for the message that your corpse has decomposed. If this doesn't happen and your corpse appears empty when you type 'examine corpse', then it means there are invisible or hidden items inside it.  Ask for a clannie to fido you a detect invis and a detect hidden potion. If nobody responds, ask on barter or newbie channels.

This is another room whose door should remain locked, if you came down through the door in the medical lounge. Your duffle bag portal is your key. If you go south from here into the medical lounge, however, it's a one-way journey with no need to lock any doors. 

[18] On the Roof

In this room shortcut exits will teleport you to various other areas: north - cards, east - kultiras, south - desolation, west - sanctity, up - hatchling. Be cautious if you are low level as some exits may have aggro mobs close by.

Clan Skills

You now have two new clan skills (see 'help clan skills') available to you:

  • Napalm: this raises STR by 5+rank and INT by 1+rank. The command is 'napalm'.
  • Mutare: this skill halves or doubles the weight of any item that isn't a container and makes that item owned by you. The command is 'mutare <item> <double|half>' (see 'help mutare').

Clan Portal

You should now have been given our clan portal:  ]An Old Duffle Bag[. Hold it and type 'enter' to be teleported into our Clan Hall. It also doubles as a key to open the three locked doors in our clan hall. Be sure to type 'keep duffle' so that it doesn't go walkies (see 'help keep').

New Channels

Two new channels (see 'help channels') are now available to you: CLAN and GCLAN.

CLAN Channel is where we clan mates communicate with each other. It is a great place to ask for help or chat and make new friends. This channel can be R rated at times. Use the shortcut command 'ct ' plus your message afterwards.

GCLAN or Global Clan is a channel where all the different clan members in the game chat with each other. There is a lot of in-character banter on there (and out-of-character banter sometimes). If you particiapte on there, it's best to take everything with a pinch of salt. Use the shortcut command 'gc ' plus your message afterwards.